Friday, April 17, 2009

What to do with too much icing? (pardon the inconsistent fonts)

Here's the situation. I made ice cream last week (4 yolks) and then something else that called for 2 yolks, so I had 6 egg whites sitting in a container waiting to be used. Continuing on the "eat-your-fridge" quest - I had to think of something to make. I opted not to do meringues (which is my usual standby) or angel food cake (boring! and I'd have to sacrifice another 4 yolks to get the whites), so I took a look at one of my new cookbooks - Maida Heatter's New Book of Great Desserts acquired at Powell's on the Portland trip. It's not a 'new' book - it's used actually and it is older than I am!

I decided to make the Haleakala Cake (Hawaiian) which called for 4 whites. What was convenient about this recipe is that it specified a metric measurement of whites, so I would be spared having to eyeball the number of whites for the cake. It's an interesting cookbook as the method is written in paragraph form rather than a numbered list. It made the recipe more engaging to read, but it was hard quickly reference steps. I could see how people would mess up or miss steps following this type of method presentation. Anyway, one line in the book was,
"Beat on high speed for 10 to 15 seconds. Then add the unbeaten egg whites (yes, unbeaten) and beat on high speed for 2 more minutes. The mixture will look slightly curdled - O.K."

Ummm. Ewww? By the way - my batter did not look curdled at all. Okay, when you add the whites in it initially does that gloppy separation thing but it smoothes out (like choux pastry) quickly. It was a very smooth white batter and it rose magnificently in the oven. Anyway, made the filling (pineapple) and then the icing. Unfortunately, I did not save the rest of my egg whites (used them in my bimbimbap) and therefore could not make the recommended Marshmallow Icing.

But I did make a beautiful 7 minute icing from The Joy of Cooking! I have tried to make a boiled-style icing before, to disasterous results, but luckily, this time - it turned out really well. Too well, in fact: the recipe in the book 'yielded' 3 cups, but I made out with about 5. Five cups of icing! I had enough leftover to ice another cake! I guess they figured it would fill the cake as well. So what's a girl to do with 2 cups of leftover icing? Make Whoopie Pies! I have wanted to make Whoopie Pies for a long-ass time, and this was the perfect excuse to whip out the recipe (Martha Stewart). And it was easy Seriously - the batter is light and fluffy and it only takes 8 minutes to bake a tray! I used a piping bag (on the 2nd and 3rd tray, 1st one was partially cookie-scooped and then using spoons) which made the whole process super-fast. And, the piping bag makes the cookies look so perfect and even and uniform and....*drooles*

I like my cookies to look like the picture, okay? I don't do 'rustic' or 'dropped'. Even my dropped cookies are done with a cookie scoop. It makes for even baking and beautiful presentation. And the cookies were light and airy and oh-so-chocolate-y. I filled them and I STILL have icing left over. I am bringing the cake to friends tomorrow and I am thinking of….maybe torching them a la meringue? I’m not sure if it will work. Maybe I will pipe (with a star tip) it on ice cream bombes. Maybe. As I said earlier – I didn’t save the leftover egg whites but still had to use whites anyway – so now I am left with 3 egg yolks. Ice cream time!

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